Thursday, March 29, 2012

well today was a good day. got off work at 1300. so i got some time to relax. Its important to take time sit back enjoy the little things in life. take in some fresh air, talk to a good old friend. Today I find myself thinking of the past. I wish i could have done things differently. I burnt a lot of bridges in my past, broke off a lot of friendships. Even talk to that girl who sat in front of you in class....... Or been more kind and open to the people around you. As i sit back and look at what i was i see i could have been a better person. what is done tho is done. The good thing now is i have changed and i like what i have become. to anybody i may have hurt in the past or have been a jerk to i am sorry i wish i could have done things differently.     - skyler lee carpenter

Monday, March 26, 2012

As a soldier in the army I realize these truths. I am expendable. I am only the pawn. My reach is only what my master allows. When i am no longer need i will be placed back in the box that is the civilian world, despite my wanting not to. I will be lost to the mass of soldiers no longer wanted by a government that would like to increase their own salaries. Some ask "Why would one spend years of their life perusing a dream that at the moment can not be reached", when I can pursue more permanent career avenues. This is my simple answer. If i could be given the chance to save just one life with the pull of my trigger, then it it would be worth time. One life is worth a thousand of mine spent on the same old hamster wheel. My life is a tool. My hands have a purpose, That purpose is to make as many lives better as possible. This is the path I follow, I will cherish every moment of it. Even a pawn can take a king.                                                                                                        - skyler lee carpenter

Friday, March 23, 2012

condition update: well the calcium deposit theory was wrong after many hours in the hospital it was was discovered that one of my teeth was knocked loose some time ago. this tooth was rather stubborn and did not die for a good while. Upon my tooth's death toxins began to build up underneath it and caused a rather bad bone infection. and my cheek was full of drainage from the infection. so my tooth was removed and all the toxins drained. they put me on a ton of antibiotics and it will be a week before i am fully recovered. Then i have to get a false tooth....... Its been an eeff skyler kind of week

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Well just woke up as "COB" (call of the bugle) Is going on. The "COB" is not what woke me up tho. I awake to the sound of a woman screaming. It takes me a second to get my bearings and then I realize the origin of the screaming. My roommate "Magee"  is watching Jeepers Creepers. I freaking hate scary movies. I simply cant do them.

      So after spending half the day sucking on sour candy, my taste buds are blown to hell and I see little to no change in my condition. I just want to get this crap fixed so i can go back to work.

      The weather today turned out to be really nice. A bit on the windy side but that's the hood for ya.
Hopefully i get over this crap in time to hit the town and chill this weekend. this staying in my room bullshit is not working for me.  Now I remember what it was like to be grounded. FML
Well,  to start this blog off I am a 11B (infantrymen) in Fox troop 2nd squadron 3rd U.S. Calvary Regiment. I have been at Fort Hood for roughly 7 months now. Its been hard not seeing my family and friends for almost a year now. My days here are spent either at work, in the field or partying it up with my friends here....... Not as of late tho. For the last three days I have been in terrible pain do to a calcium build up in the saliva glands on the right side of my mouth.  It is extremely painful. Worse yet none of the doctors seem to be helping my me any. I gets its a fuck Skyler  over kind of a week. I am pissed cuz I keep missing range time because of that bull crap...... Anywho...... The weather here is nice at the moment but here that can change in an instant. Cazy wind, Rain, And lightning storms out of nowhere...mmmm. What fun anyways its time for a break will be back on in a bit